BB’s experience as a chef and working with flavours is as diverse as where she cooked and built kitchens; assisting in the renowned Demuths cookery school learning from award winning chefs, managing kitchens working only with waste food, wild cooking, teaching volunteers in night shelters to cook exciting food from donated items, developing cookery courses for mental health projects, to head chef in kitchens and restaurants across the globe. From years running an award winning retreat kitchen in rural Crete to cooking in Mexican kitchens, which have both been huge influences on her process, style and flavour, her experience comes from some very unique and varied spaces.

How and where food is cooked and experienced has always been important to her, as has bringing exciting food into kitchens or spaces that don’t usually have it.

BB has always had an interest in medicinal cookery; studying plants and how different herbs and processes impact the body and self has always been part of her food. BB is an award winning artist and curator and this background has hugely impacted how she works with food; centring pleasure, connection and multi-sensory experiences in all her work.

Process & MEaning

BB feels that mainstream and westernised vegan cuisine doesn’t offer the depth and diversity of flavour and pleasure that it can, and should. Her inspiration for plant based food comes largely from older or ancient traditions from different cultures, street food, caffs, wild cooking and exploring deeper connections to food’s history and meaning.

BB feels that connection to our food; where we get it from, how we treat it, why we choose it and our understanding of it is deeply important in our relationship with cooking and eating.

She wants to help people to connect to where our food comes from, and respect and celebrate the magic of plants and cookery.

BB cooks inspired by flavours offered by the different landscapes around her. Wild foraging with the seasons, sourcing food from local markets and growers, exploring traditional preserving processes from different cultures, sun pickling, fermentation, sun drying, brewing and playing with different cooking methods are all part of her practice. Her mission is to challenge the boundaries of how we view, understand and experience food.


BB wants to bring pure pleasure and excitement into eating. Paying attention to all aspects of food from sensory explosions to emotion. She treats cooking as art and alchamy. She curates tasting and feasting experiences that go beyond dinning, where interaction and connection with food, our environment and each other are all part of the event.

Influenced by how food and drink is used in different celebrations and ceromonies she likes to create new ways to connect through the pleasure of food. Combining playful interactive elements in presentation, mixology and thoughtful drink pairing are to be expected with her feasts.

BB is also passionate about curating feasts and serving food in beautiful natural landscapes such as wild beaches, waterfalls, mountain tops and cliff edges that have been inspiration for the dishes themselves.