BB’s experience as a chef and working with flavours is as diverse as where she cooked and built kitchens; assisting in the renowned Demuths cookery school learning from award winning chefs, managing kitchens working only with waste food, wild cooking, teaching volunteers in night shelters to cook exciting food from donated items, developing cookery courses for mental health projects, to head chef in kitchens and restaurants across the globe. From years running an award winning retreat kitchen in rural Crete to cooking in Mexican kitchens, which have both been huge influences on her process, style and flavour, her experience comes from some very unique and varied spaces.
How and where food is cooked and experienced has always been important to her, as has bringing exciting food into kitchens or spaces that don’t usually have it.
BB has always had an interest in medicinal cookery; studying plants and how different herbs and processes impact the body and self has always been part of her food. BB is an award winning artist and curator and this background has hugely impacted how she works with food; centring pleasure, connection and multi-sensory experiences in all her work.